Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Life in A2

Hello general first month of college post. This is a list of things that pop into my head as I reflect on my first four weeks as a Wolverine living in the dorms of Ann Arbor. 

1. I never appreciated having my own bathroom until coming here. 
2. I didn't know how many rich people there are until I came here. 
3. There is a never-ending supply of delicious food in Ann Arbor. 
4. How you design your schedule is SO important
5. Having your roommate become your friend is an awesome rarity. 
6. There are 3 questions you ask and answer during Welcome Week: Name, origin,and major. You meet a million different people your first week here. 
7. The schools enormous size is a good thing 99.9% of the time. 
8. I really like blending in sometimes. I didn't know that until now. 
9. Focusing on only a few clubs is the best way to go. 
10. I never knew how many stereotypes and prejudices I carried. It's a process to clean yourselves of them.
11. Not that many kids here are on scholarships. That blows my mind. (see last post)
12. I am really lucky to live 40 minutes away. 
13. Dining hall food here is the bomb compared to CA lunches. 
14. Planners and weekly whiteboards are my best friend. 
15. Things the University says are "mandatory" are usually not.
16. You see the coolest, weirdest, most hilarious things everyday. 
17. Michigan is known as an arrogant school but we are very kind to each other. 
18. The preachers who visit the Diag are not so accepting. 
19. Democrats rule the land.
20. It takes about two minutes of knowing someone for a deep and intimate conversation to happen here. 

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