Saturday, August 11, 2012

Love Advice from a silly Michigan girl

Disclaimer: I am not claiming to be an expert. I know some of my friends date and others don't, either way I hope you find this informative and entertaining.
   Last week I had a conversation with a new friend about one of her experiences with a guy. She liked a boy so much and didn't know what to do, and she did just about everything wrong. She stalked the guy and he ended up thinking of her as a crazy,obsessed weirdo. I wanted to cry for her and give her a hug. I wished that I had met her sooner so I could have provided a few pointers. These are just some basic things every teen guy/girl should know.
1. Don't be super complicated about how you start up a conversation. You don't need to make up something up in order to talk to them. Also, do not be that stranger on Facebook who messages someone saying "I know you don't know me, but you're so beautiful." Most likely his/her reaction will be: "Ahhh creeper!" (unless you are really attractive, and in that case if someone responds then you do not want to get involved with him/her anyway.)
2. Texting: Oh my dear Lord, the desperation that I have seen. You would think it is common knowledge to not text someone 20 times in an hour if they are not responding to you. Infatuated girls excuse: "But I just want to talk to him <333" If he is not texting you back, don't keep texting him. It is a simple rule that gets easier to follow the more you put it into practice. This is all about will-power. If he is not texting you back, it could be because he does not like you or that he is simply busy. In either scenario, you go from cute girl to stalker when he sees he has 9 messages from you.
    2.b Communication in general with your crush has to be "give and take." In every other aspect of life my advice is: Give, give, give without expecting anything in return. In this case, when you give a ton and receive little or no reciprocation, you can expect a broken heart.
3. Those stupid sayings are true. "You always want what you can't have." "Once a cheater, always a cheater." "If he does it with you, then he'll do it to you." Accept that now and you will be better off. On the note of cheaters, never let it happen twice. No matter how many "I'm sorrys"and "I can do betters", and no matter how much guilt he/she makes you feel, it is not worth it to get back together. It will be a shell of your previous relationship with him/her. It might take him/her a long time to cheat again, but it is bound to happen. By taking him/her back, you silently enabled that behavior.
4. Just because you want to believe it, doesn't mean you should believe it. This relates to a lot of things. People will lie to you and some of their lies will be incredibly beautiful, but denial is bad for the heart. It prolongs the blow but never is an escape from it.
5. That revealing Facebook picture will not get you a dreamy, respectful boyfriend. Guys: the same goes for your abs pictures. Modesty shows self-respect (and a brain.)
6.Cliche love advice is overused for a reason: it's foolproof. "Be yourself." Yes, be yourself with the person you like, even if that makes you different from him/her. Who would want to hang with someone who has the exact same interests anyway? You should be able to learn from each other. People with varying perspectives and opinions coming together can be epic. Don't mimic their interests hoping to flatter them.

Thanks for reading, I hope it made you smile at least once. Add on anything you feel is important to include in the comments section.

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